Dress appropriately. Be sure that you’re dressing appropriately for the weather you are about to experience. Do your due diligence; check the weather reports, ensure that you have…

EXTREMELY ACCESSIBLE We are very easy to get to! You’ll be glad to know Great Canadian Heli-Skiing is the closest Canadian destination heli-skiing operation to an international airport.

IT’S OUR PLEASURE TO ACCOMMODATE YOUR SCHEDULE. START YOUR 2, 3, 4, 5, OR 6-DAY TRIP ON THE DAY YOU WANT. As the original “boutique heli-skiing” operation, we pride ourselves…

WHY DOES GREAT CANADIAN HELI-SKIING HAVE THE BEST DOWN DAY RECORD IN THE HELI-SKI INDUSTRY? There are several factors that enable us to safely continue flying that could…

And that comes with a lot of benefits. Accessing many heli-ski operations often means nearly a full day of logistics,…

In fact, the Powder Highway’s northern apex of Rogers Pass (on which Great Canadian Heli-Skiing sits) consistently receives the most reliably enormous snowfalls in all of…

With the technicality out of the way, at its heart, the word “vertical” is the foundation of the heli-ski adventure. Before heli-skiing was born, skiers had two options…

No matter how you like to spend the holidays, there’s no doubt that the unprecedented circumstances of 2020 mean that Christmas is likely to look a little… different…

These are a couple of the reasons Great Canadian Heli-Skiing pioneered the concept of boutique heliskiing. All of our groups are based on the promise of…